This is not supose to be in all seriousness a true thought just a that a thought so dont get offended just let me hear your thoughts on this...
What if he was an alien wouldnt that explain why it says "dont build your kingdom in the stars"?
And also wouldnt it explain why Mary and Joseph went to bethlehem to have their child(supose they were drawn to that place and the angel that came to marry was an alien?)and also that there was a star that night where jesus was born in the stable(what if it was the spaceship?)?
What if in Revelations when it says that the Earth will be destroyed by fire and brimstone from the skies(and think abotu it to way back then a description of a lazer beam would of been fire and brimstone from the sky would it of not?) wouldnt that describe alien weaponry?
What about the battle between Man and God where the earth's armies gather to defeat god in 1 more battle and the armies are all wiped out by the words of God would that not be like Alien Technology?
What if god was an alien...?
The angels are represented throughout the Bible as a body of spiritual beings intermediate between God and men: "You have made him (man) a little less than the angels" (Psalm 8:6).
This function of the angelic host is expressed by the word "assistance" (Job 1:6; 2:1), and our Lord refers to it as their perpetual occupation (Matthew 18:10). More than once we are told of seven angels whose special function it is thus to "stand before God's throne" (Tobit 12:15; Revelation 8:2-5).
The angels of the Bible generally appear in the role of God's messengers to mankind.
Throughout the Bible we find it repeatedly implied that each individual soul has its tutelary angel.
Though the angels who appear in the earlier works of the Old Testament are strangely impersonal and are overshadowed by the importance of the message they bring or the work they do, there are not wanting hints regarding the existence of certain ranks in the heavenly army.
Mention has already been made of the mystic seven who stand before God, and we seem to have in them an indication of an inner cordon that surrounds the throne. The term archangel occurs only in St. Jude and 1 Thessalonians 4:15; but St. Paul has furnished us with two other lists of names of the heavenly cohorts. He tells us (Ephesians 1:21) that Christ is raised up "above all principality, and power, and virtue, and dominion"; and, writing to the Colossians (1:16), he says: "In Him were all things created in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominations, or principalities or powers." It is to be noted that he uses two of these names of the powers of darkness when (2:15) he talks of Christ as "despoiling the principalities and powers . . . triumphing over them in Himself". And it is not a little remarkable that only two verses later he warns his readers not to be seduced into any "religion of angels". He seems to put his seal upon a certain lawful angelology, and at the same time to warn them against indulging superstition on the subject. We have a hint of such excesses in the Book of Enoch, wherein, as already stated, the angels play a quite disproportionate part. Similarly Josephus tells us that the Essenes had to take a vow to preserve the names of the angels.
Angels are divided into three hierarchies each of which contains three orders.
Their proximity to the Supreme Being serves as the basis of this division. In the first hierarchy he places the Seraphim, Cherubim, and Thrones; in the second, the Dominations, Virtues, and Powers; in the third, the Principalities, Archangels, and Angels. The only Scriptural names furnished of individual angels are Raphael, Michael, and Gabriel, names which signify their respective attributes. Apocryphal Jewish books, such as the Book of Enoch, supply those of Uriel and Jeremiel, while many are found in other apocryphal sources, like those Milton names in "Paradise Lost".
"The burden of the Word of the Lord of Israel by the hand of His angel; lay it up in your hearts." All this loving ministry on the part of the angels is solely for the sake of the Saviour, on Whose face they desire to look.
Reply:What if He was not.
Reply:There are many who believe this already.
Reply:Well, God is an alien. A spiritual alien. I believe in pyschics and UFO's. Now, let's say God is an alien. If ordinary human beings can have powers of second sight, healing, etc. Imagine what powers the "aliens" have. God, the most powerful being can do things we can't even think of. I believe that aliens can be invisible (Angels) or be visible. They have the power to read thoughts and can give you information that can be to help or hurt. Everything has a ying and a yang. Good and Bad. I bet you there are bad aliens (demons,devils) and good aliens(Angels). I believe that the Bible is something that was written to keep most of us in check. Fear is a very strong weapon. Fear of the unknown. Religions keep most people in check but also is the cause of many wars and deaths. If the government or we find out that there are aliens among us, everything that we believe in will change. The whole world would be different. Imagine not needing oil? Imagine money being of little importance? Imagine being about to grow any kind of food or plant in a matter of hours or days. If the aliens show us a way to travel in outerspace in a matter of seconds and go to other planets where they're other lifeform everything we were taught about God will have to be reexamined. I believe that it is VERY,VERY,VERY possible that God is an alien.
Reply:we just dont know,but its possible
Reply:Sorry, but all of that was stolen from paganism. Meri and Seb went to the Town of Bread (which, in Hebrew, is "Bethlehem") because they were directed by a minor solar deity with a halo. Three wise men were directed by Sirius, a star in the east, which led them to the birthplace of Horus (also a stable).
The end of the earth is basically Ragnarok, the Final Battle. Google that to learn more.
Reply:Hail Xenu.
Reply:An arrogant assumption, of course based on religion.
Reply:that'D b gangstah !!
Reply:I am petrified of aliens, i would have a heart attack.
Reply:i'd have so much fun
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