Friday, November 13, 2009

How could the star lead the wisemen from the east to the Holy Land, thereby appearing to be in the western sky

and then lead them to Bethlehem, assuming that they conferred with Herod in Jeruslem, thereby apearing in the southern sky?

How could the star lead the wisemen from the east to the Holy Land, thereby appearing to be in the western sky
You think too much.
Reply:Satan is the creator of that star that led the magi from eastern parts, men from the east were worshipers of the zodiac and other false gods, astrologers. Satan, using this star was able to guide these men, not numbered, to Jerusalem where they were summoned by Herod, Herod, after learning of why they were there asked them to find the child Jesus so as do do him obeisance to him as well when in reality he wanted to kill him, God in a dreamed warned them to return home by another way and not return to herod. NOW, if God wanted to lead them to his Son, don't you think he would have led them right to where his Son was without them running into Herod which resulted in the killing of all male children from the age of two and under. When the magi found Jesus he was approximately two years of age and in a house not still a baby in a manger, Magi or astrologers are not the type of people God deals with, in fact, his people are told to avoid such ones, so why would he lead undesirable persons to his Son? On the other hand, God sent his angels to shepherds tending their flocks, his people, in the fields to tell them of the good news of a savior being born to them. Satan, using Christendom has twisted the truth of the star so that now it is seen as a miracle of God that they sing songs about, and make movies about, and have plays in their churches about. Nice huh!
Reply:Here is a link that I'm sure will help:

Blessed Be
Reply:SO don't go getting yourself all upset and try to research it. It will drive you nuts.The bible is hearsay ,picked and chosen from by theologians And what are their credentials?

You are being scientific .Don't waste your time. Religion is PRAISE JESUS !


I do believe in God though.Just don't believe in the bible.

Good luck.Just my opinion.
Reply:that's confusing
Reply:It looked like a star. It twinkled. But, could it be.....gasp......another miracle? Oh, you don't believe in that stuff. One of the 2% of atheists that seem to be represented by 75% of the people here.
Reply:Satan caused the star to appear...those "wise men" were on a mission from Herod who wanted to kill Jesus...Satan wanted to help them find the Christ-child...
Reply:it couldn't
Reply:first its a fairy tail not the truth we as humans are so easy to believe in anything we have been brainwashed in religion man kind is really ignorant
Reply:Ever heard of a magic trick?

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