Christ was born when the sheperds were still living out in the field during warmer months and not in December.
Dec 25th was a pagan celebration time.
The Star of Bethlehem was created by Satan to lure astrologers sent by King Herod to report to him Jesus's whereabouts so Herod could have him killed not the school nativity play version of the wise men being there to honour Jesus.
Jesus was not a baby in a crib as traditionally told at that time but a toddler as Herod had children 2 years and under executed in an attempt to kill Jesus not just newborns.
Christmas is just commericalism and giving of presents is more of a social occasion rather than a religious time.
Jesus only asked his rememberance to be observed before he was put to death and not when he was born.
Christmas put pressure on people to go into debt and to entertain when they have little money to afford to do so and the revelry is not something that God would ask of people.
Shall we knock out the hypcrisy of christmas and celebrate it for what it really is?
They know Christmas is pagan but just do not care. They do not realize what a slap in the face to God and Jesus these celebrations are. They are mixing true worship with pagan worship.
Do you think that Jesus Christ would consider it an honor to have his name attached to a “pagan holiday, partly Christianized”? How could this be so when his faithful disciples recognized that there should be no mixing of the darkness of paganism with the light of Christianity? The apostle Paul, for example, reminded fellow Christians at Corinth: “What sharing does light have with darkness? Further, what harmony is there between Christ and Belial? Or what portion does a faithful person have with an unbeliever? And what agreement does God’s temple have with idols? . . . ‘Therefore get out from among them, and separate yourselves,’ says Jehovah, ‘and quit touching the unclean thing.’”—2 Cor. 6:14-17.
When Moses came down from the mountain and found the people worshipping the golden calf, they told him it represented God. They were celebrating to this statue.
Did Moses say "good idea, lets party". No! but God destroyed over 2,000 people that day for daring to celebrate to an idol. Just like people do today. Since these holidays are so insulting to God, you can bet Satan has a hand in it. He will make sure that people keep celebrating these holidays.
Reply:Do spys for Herod bring gifts and worship Jesus? Was Jesus in a crib or a manger as a baby? I think you need to reread the narrative of the virgin birth because you have your facts are way off.
God didnt say we should celebrate our own birthdays but to us that is an important day is it not? Christmas is a great time to remember and celebrate the birth of Jesus. Yes it is also a good time for charity and gifts which is a VERY Christian thing to do. Theres no doubt about it that Christmas has become comercialized but that is to be expected but that takes nothing away from religious families observance of the holiday.
So by your logic then is church just a social club because we meet together? No. Fellowship is part of believing in God and having things in common with your fellow man and sharing with him in that and encouraging and building him up.
Reply:i use the real god everyday,i am happy 95% of the time,you are right,Christmas is awfull but we should get the days off anyway,Jesus is like all of us ,god is the one we should thank everyday,i celebrate god everyday.
Reply:yes lets get religion out of christmas and all prase santa christmas is pagan
Reply:Isnt there enough misery in our lives already - for goodness sake leave the celebrations alone. For every miserable old git who hates Christmas there are 2 others who love it. Get into the spirit of it - you might even enjoy it !!!!!!
Reply:Forget religion my joy is seeing kids face light up when they see there presents.Luv it
Reply:Beats me why the Christians get so upset about the whole Christmas/commercial thing. Surely without all the commercialism, religion wouldn't get half the attention it does from free-thinking people. As with all things though, they want to distance themselves from anything that is bad, and take credit for what is good. Bah humbug to religion. Happy Dec25th.
Reply:OK then.
Reply:lets all be pagans
Reply:if we celebrate christmas for what it really is, we will probably get done for being racist! this country is not our own anymore..
Reply:guess nobody got you anything for christmas then
Reply:great point..
Reply:You are right. Christmas, the Christmas we know now is a commerce nightmare. For some though it is the celebration of the birth of Jesus and because of that many great things happen over the holidays. People are more giving than than they normally are and many people in need get a great deal of help during the season so i guess it is a double edge sword. There is good and bad in all situations its whether we choose to focus on the good or bad that says who we truly are as a person. Good luck to you.
Reply:Every year somebody drags out this argument. It's darn near as old as the celebration itself. In fact, if you're a Church of Christer, most of your theology is based on the NON-celebration of holidays because of various reasons.
So what if Jesus was born May 18th, 4BC? Or August 9th, 1AD?
We CHOOSE to celebrate it in mid-winter. Why? Because mid winter is the ebb tide of the year. It's dark, it's cold, it's dreary. Everything looks dead. Hope too ebbs. What better time to celebrate the coming of He who came to give us eternal life?
Gimme a break, fella. There's a heckuva lot of legitmate issues out there to beef about and do something to change. They're real, they're important. Christmas and all the rigmarole surrounding it is NOT among them. Get a life!!
Reply:Why worry about what a Christian believes if you are not one. Yes it was pagan in origin but it still is used to celebrate the birth of Christ, which incidentally really probably took place in September. So since that is why we celebrate it, what difference does it make what day we attach to it since we really do not have a specific one given.
Reply:About time Christmas was re-installed as the pagan celebration of Yule, then there wont be any of this bish bosh PC rubbish as we will all be down the barn having a jolly good time on the moonshine and sloe berry gin!
Reply:Whilst some of what you say, such as the rampant consumerism has detracted from the religious meaning what you say about satan creating stars . . . well, you lose me when you come out with stuff you don't even give sources for. Try just getting in on the goodwill of others and leave the superstitious stuff alone over the holidays.
Reply:YES. you are so right. Let's call it Winterval or something, and be honest about it just being an excuse to overeat, spend too much and drink too much, and argue with relatives.
Reply:I must say that I am impressed with your research! I appreciate how you tie the origin of Christmas. I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses for the last 14 years. I have not celebrated Christmas since 1990. I have been studying the Bible since 1990. I do not miss all the running around you have to do in preparing for Christmas.
Thank you for your through research!
Reply:Jesus Christ is the promised Messiah.
Thanks be to God we can reflect on this fact in many ways through out the year.
Merry Christmas to all.
Reply:Christmas, what on earth has it to do with Christianity?
Satan was invented by the Jews during the Babylonian exile. I have no idea where you get the silly idea he likes to play with stars from? By the way, the three wise men took place in January, months after his birth.
So the church wanted to hijack the party, so stuck the name of Christmas' onto it. the party is older than the church and your religious ideas. It requires the village to put a virgin, a symbol of fertility, and to celebrate her with song and booze, to re-assure the old man of the woods, that the village had not eaten all the seeds, and life would return in spring again, when Eoster, the goddess of fertility would re-birth the countryside.
hey the Christians hijacked that party too.
If you don't like the party, then don't come - your only invited because us poor old pagans feel sorry for you.
Reply:I agree sort of, Jesus WAS born in September, and I'm a christina, but christian's do christmas service, midnight mass etc! I love christmas...good food, everyone gets on and lots of preasents!! so don't be such a scrooge lol
Reply:Christmas what a depressing time of year,if we were to celebrate anything at all why not celebrate the winter solstice,as a non believer in religeon i find the forced joviality at this time of year a bit too much to bear, the commercialism of the festive season is almost epidemic, the giving of presents to people who you do not like thats the only good bit, i give them what someone else who doesnt like me give me the year before.
i have often wondered if they do the same as we never see them,only at christgive, it matters not only that we thought of them at this ''festive '' time.
I deal with people everyday who are hopelessly in debt for incredible amounts of money ,because of the guilt in not giving the ''right christmas gift'' or wanting to give thier kids the presents thier parents had the good sense not to buy for them when they were children. its a form of institutionalised guilt, perpetuated by marketing companies, it is as far removed from any religeous ceremony as you can find ,necxt they may bring back sacrifice. LF
Reply:spot a JW a mile away
Reply:tell you what go change your religion and than you dont have to buy presents right you idiot
Reply:I can agree with you that Christmas has turned very commercial. I am so sick of the shopping during the holidays. We just do presents for the kids. However why not celebrate the birth of Christ? Stop nit picking on this and that and be overjoyed that He was born, that He lived, He died and He lived again.
Reply:I'd rather have Christmas as a religious celebration and keep the festivities and pressies for new year. Before the second world war it was this way in Scotland.
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