No? Let me tell you...
Most biblical scholars and preachers readily admit that they know Christ was not born on December 25th. However, they claim that this day is as good as any other to celebrate the birth of Jesus, despite the fact that it was originally a pagan celebration called Saturnalia which commemorated the birth of the sun god.
Jesus’ Birthday has become a secular carnival of excess spending, waste, greed, and hypocrisy.
What ever happened to the inspirational Christmases of yesterday with their simple family gatherings, their moving church services, their pretty hand-made ornaments, and the spirit of giving to the less fortunate?
How could something so wonderful as the beautiful and miraculous birth of the Christchild in a rustic stable over two thousand years ago have turned into a festival of material lust?
If Jesus were born today, the Star of Bethlehem would not even be visible due to smog and light pollution. The stable owner would see a money making opportunity and would sell tickets to anyone wishing to see the Baby Jesus. Film makers would try to buy the rights to film Mary and Joseph as they fled to Egypt. Instead of receiving only a few simple gifts, Jesus would be inundated with gifts from companies hoping for endorsements of their products. The family would be put up in a big name hotel for the publicity it would bring, diaper companies would fight over who could provide Jesus with the biggest supply of diapers and Mary would be hounded by baby food manufacturers who would want her to report that Jesus preferred their brand of pabulum over another brand.
Do you know the REAL origin of C*h*r*i*s*t*m*a*s?
You sound pretty angry.
Reply:Most of us know that already.
You gave yourself a star? How lame....
Reply:And one more thing!
If Jesus returned to earth today, we will try to shoot him with a WMD.
Reply:whoa... did someone put a coal in your stocking this year?
Reply:Most cultures had some form of that holiday, the Romans had Saturnalia, but that was by no means the only Pagan holiday around that time. No actually it was the Norse Yule that Christians stole many of the trappings for their holiday from. You know, the "Christmas tree", the "Christmas ham', the gift giving, the holly, the mistletoe, the eggnog, etc...
Reply:if you don't want to celebrate like the rest of us then don't but we like christmas the way it and yes most of US spend the holiday with our family and we enjoy need to stop being angry and do positive things in life
Reply:Buy a calendar and save your rant for December, sister! I had a great Christmas w/ a sprirt filled, candle lit service.
And you people who bash Christmas for being too commercial never live like the Amish yourselves, and I don't see why you're all so mad someone else is having a good time. I heard on NPR (the radio was stuck and I couldn't change it, athiests. I promise. I don't want to shatter your stereotypes LOL!) about a bunch of idiots that wanted to protest the "commercialization of Christmas" by dressing up in Santa suits, disrutping a mall, and then going (I kid you not) to strip clubs. They're just a bunch of miserable sad sacks, and they want to spread the misery, that's all.
I'll be looking forawrd to your rant against Easter in August, and your 4th of July rant in October.
Reply:I know that a large part of Christmas comes from the Feast of Saturnalia, a pagan Roman festival that took place from December 17th to December 25th in Rome, to honor Saturn, the God of the Harvest. On this occasion they used to revel, give gifts, and engage in sexual activity.
I also know that the tree came from the Germanic peoples, who worshipped the evergreen tree because it remained green throughout the winter, symbolizing eternal life. The Book of Jeremiah warns against such worship.
I also know that Santa Claus is the result of an analgamation of various gods, and it, in fact, doesn't directly come from the idea of Saint Nicholas.
Unfortunately, this is how it is. Though it now has some noble sentiments, one cannot escape the cold truth: Christmas is an overtly pagan holiday. It's only disguised as a Christian one. How can one celebrate a pagan holiday simply because it is labeled as a Christian one? It cannot.
I understand the idea that people want to celebrate Jesus' birthday, but it is not really an imperative, as the Bible does not command it. Also, celebrating Jesus' birthday by celebrating a pagan holiday is, in effect, honoring those dead gods of old. It's not what Jesus wants.
There's so much paganism in Christmas that it is inextricably linked to the holiday.
Reply:christmas is just a holiday designed for the sole purpose of covering up sun worship holidays.
Reply:“a child is born to us, a son is given to us, and the government is upon his shoulders; and his name shall he called Wonderful Counselor, God the Mighty, the Father of the world to come, the Prince of Peace . . . He shall sit upon the “throne of David and upon his kingdom, to establish it and to strengthen it with judgment and with justice, from henceforth and forever.” Isaiah 9: 6-7.
This pagan celebrates Christmas.......Christmas is only as commercial as you want it to be.
What better way to celebrate the birth of Christ as the day that the sun starts to come back? And why should anyone expect for the pagans who found Christ to give up their holidays, for they had found the True Light, and i'm sure they saw fulfillment of their old ways, the light of the sun, which life depends on, the Light of Life, who made and sustains life.
Reply:Ok, one thing, Jesus was not given simple gifts, he was given some freaking expensive stuff.
Anyway, I would not complain, we celebrate Christmas the traditional way, you can celebrate it how you want too.
God bless.
Reply:you needn't fall victim to the humanization of Christmas - while we do the gifts and fun in my family - we also celebrate fully the real meaning of the season. God told us in the bible that we had to be careful not to fall victim to the world of materialism - unfotunately, too many people don't remember that we are to live in the world but not OF the world.
God bless you in your search for peace.
PS - yes most people in their right minds DO know that 12.25 was NOT the actual date of the birth of Christ. that it was chosen as that date due to various pagan holidays that they were trying to squash and show those pagans the true way to celebrate yule and the other "ritualistic holidays". days change frequently in groups of like minded people - in my family 2.20 is a day we always cherish and remember my late grandmother as it was her birthday. for others it's something else, for us its her day.
Reply:Ah, but this is synonymous what the Christians have done to their entire religion. What makes me angry is that their obviously willing to make a few changes here and there to make it more commercial, why can't they make a few more changes and make it less conflicting?
Reply:The Pagans celebration of Mithras the Sun God. Or Saturnalia.
What? You starred yourself? You're supposed to let others star you.
Reply:The basic answer to this is simple. The traditional symbols of christmas: tree, star, ornaments, etc are from the pagan celebration. Think of something that doesnt involve those things and is just a simple reading of the christmas story, gathering with family to talk about how their year was or even baking Yeshua (Jesus) a birthday cake. As long as you celebrate it without the pagan symbols it can still be a very important and meaningful time in the year. By the way, easter is pagan too, just to let you know. its actually based on an ancient babylonian fertility ritual. funny eh?
Reply:Please move on in life
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