Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What created the mythical "Star of Bethlehem?"?

Experts believe it may have well been the alignment of Venus %26amp; Jupiter which would have looked like a massive star on June 17, 2BC right around the estimated date of the birth of Christ (2BC). Has anyone heard any other theories or speculations on what created this star? Is the star real or mythical?

What created the mythical "Star of Bethlehem?"?
"The three wise men" were astrologers. Important business back then. They had read somewhere that an important person would be born. So they ventured out. An alignment of planets would have been very significant to them. I have read that it was Jupiter and Saturn that aligned at around 4 bc (!) but I could be wrong. Either way. The wise men would have seen the "stars" move closer and closer togheter heading towards them for a while. As they "merged" they began looking around. And the first newborn they found was baby boy Jesus.
Reply:I am not a historian or dont plan to pretend to be but the only star I have heard of in that time is the north star,
Reply:Anonymous author c. 150 AD
Reply:It's a myth. Dreamed up by people penning (editing) the bible a 100 years after Jesus died.
Reply:No one knows and don't even knows when the birth took place. Catholic priests placed the birth close to the new year because Halloween and all saints day was around that time and they tried to discourage pagan holidays. Some speculate that it could have a comet in the sky at that time. Some even think it was all made up. Catholic priests destroyed all record and scrolls that didn't fit their propaganda and teachings. I seriously doubt any one will ever know for sure.
Reply:i think it was stolen from the Mithraists who believed it was a portent of the birth of Mithras about 600 bc

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