Studying the Signs of the stars. And God writes to us in the stars. So? There is the sign of what John (Rev.12) wrote, The woman clothed in the Sun, with the moon (this is the same time as the sign of the planet King Jupiter %26amp; King Star 'Regularus' close to each other. In this DVD, the time of this star pattern was at the time when Jesus was conceived. In September. At the time of 'June' the planets Jupiter %26amp; Venus connected near each other making the biggest star ever. Then the Magi traveled East (from Babylon) %26amp; finally got there when the star (Jupiter) stopped. Retroaction where it went back %26amp; forth 3 times passing 'Regularus' symbolizing a Kings crown 'Halo'. When Jupiter stopped, it was Dec. 25, 3 BC. So? The Magi finally got to Bethlehem on Dec. 25 %26amp; was the 1st Christmas. Jesus was 6 mo. old. They brought gifts for the new born King.
What do you think about God writing this in the stars. Also, the date Jesus died. The moment Jesus died. April 3, 33 AD?
Have you watched the DVD 'The Star of Bethlehem'? Did it answer some of your questions about the Star?
Firstly, Christ was not born on Dec. 25...we know that. No one is sure when Jesus was born, but most likely was born in the early Fall.
Secondly, the Magi(no number stated in the Bible) did NOT find him laying in a manger. They found him and his family living in a house. Jesus could have been up to 2 years old before they arrived. Don't forget, Herod ordered the death of all children 2 and under.
Thirdly, Jesus was killed on the day of Passover 33CE, 14th day of the Jewish month Nisan.
As for the 'star'.Those Magi were actually astrologers from the east. (Matt. 2:1, 2, NW; NE) Although astrology is popular among many people today, the practice is STRONGLY disapproved in the Bible. Would God have led to the newborn Jesus persons whose practices He condemned?
Matthew 2:1-16 shows that the star led the astrologers first to King Herod and then to Jesus and that Herod then sought to have Jesus killed. No mention is made that anyone other than the astrologers saw the “star.” After they left, God's angel warned Joseph to flee to Egypt to safeguard the child. Was that “star” a sign from God or was it from someone who was seeking to have God’s Son destroyed? Seems quite obvious doesn't it.
The Encyclopedia Americana informs us: “The reason for establishing December 25 as Christmas is somewhat obscure, but it is usually held that the day was chosen to correspond to pagan festivals that took place around the time of the winter solstice, when the days begin to lengthen, to celebrate the ‘rebirth of the sun.’ . . . The Roman Saturnalia (a festival dedicated to Saturn, the god of agriculture, and to the renewed power of the sun), also took place at this time, and some Christmas customs are thought to be rooted in this ancient pagan celebration.”—(1977)
Reply:Tamil i personally don't believe this sorry sun, moon and stars was mans theory alone,, u cant say this is 100% accurate ,, in the pagan culture they too studied the stars and such they thought all this too meant something and the sun moon and stars were worshipped as gods..
WHEN king nepudchadnezzar had a dream in which he had forgotten and knew in his heart [ mind ] it must be important heturned to the astronomers and astrologists for answers and to all the rest of the courts magicians that he had been paying good money to all along so as to have council when needed.! of course all thes charletons knew too that they knew nothing and this time they wouldnt even fake it.
the bible tells us that the secrets GOD has HE REVEALS TO HIS servants the prophets in amos 3 v 7 .also in 2 chronicals 2 v 20 chronicals weare told to believe on , or in GODS PROPHETS in order that we be established
.. I DONT HAVE TO FOLLOW SUN MOON AND STARS ,, I NEED TOKNOW WHAT GOD revealed to his servants the prophets and then to believe it and set my heart, mind, to follow what is written ,, thank u ,, bro murray
Reply:its interesting but if that's the only evidence that was given on the DVD.. then its a limited amount of information to hang someone's faith on.
below is just one other sort of information: no doubt that others can come up with many more.
"This information..."
- see url below -
"...strongly suggests that the census which brought Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem was conducted in the summer or early autumn of 3 B.C.E.
certainly not in winter when the rainy season was in evidence. Ramsay expressed confidence that the normal time for Roman censuses was from August to October."
"...(Luke 1:26, 36). Five full months had passed and Elizabeth was then in her sixth month. Since John the Baptist was probably born some time around March 10, 3 B.C.E., Jesus’ birth would be near September in 3 B.C.E."
"A late summer or early autumn date for Jesus’ birth has also been suggested because Luke said the shepherds were tending their flocks at night at his nativity (Luke 2:8)."
implying that they wouldnt likely be tending sheep outdoors in the winter season.
by the time the magi arrived, Jesus and parents were living in a home and Jesus was about 2 years old.
december 25 was a pagan ritual date that the Catholics adopted in order to have a christian time of celebration coinciding with the pagans time of celebration. or so that is the explanation given.
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